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Interview with Fr. Jack Tierney, O.S.A. on His Ordination to the Priesthood
A friar reflects on his spiritual journey that led him to becoming an Augustinian Priest. Click here to hear what Friar Jack Tierney says.
Why We Joined - A Video Message from Our Men in Formation
Discerning a vocation? Come see why our men in formation decided upon the Augustinian Order!
Discussion on Augustinian Charism
We spoke with the American Vocation Directors to see their perspective on Augustinian Charism.
First Discussion: Restless Tradition
Are you confused what the Augustinians mean by restlessness? Listen to our American Vocation Directors discuss it here.
Full Ceremony: Bishop Barron Ordains Augustinian Fr. Barnaby Johns!
We just ordained a new priest outdoors in sunny California. Watch Fr. Barnaby Johns' entire ceremony here.
Why Did We Join? Meet the Augustinian Men of Heart
Men join the Augustinian order for a myriad of reasons. Learn how some Men of Heart made their way to the Augustinian Order.
Br. Sam Makes Lifelong Profession for the Solemnity of St. Augustine
Sam Joutras recently made his lifelong vows to the Augustinian Order! For the first time, we livestreamed the entire ceremony. Watch here!
Photo Gallery: Br. Arturo Makes His Lifelong Vows to the Augustinian Order
On Friday, July 24, 2020, Br. Arturo Rentería, O.S.A. made his Solemn Profession of Vows to Prior Provincial Gary Sanders. Photos here.
Full Ceremony: The Priesthood Ordination of Fr. Jack Tierney O.S.A.
Full Ceremony: The Priesthood Ordination of Fr. Jack Tierney O.S.A.
May 3: World Day of Prayer for Vocations
For 57 years, the Holy See has marked out the Fourth Sunday of Easter as an occasion for Catholics worldwide to pray for vocations.
The Feast of the Conversion of Saint Augustine
The Augustinian Order celebrates the Conversion of our Holy Father St. Augustine on April 24th each year. Learn about his restless journey.
New Video: Dan & Elizandro Make Lifelong Vows
We just had two men profess lifelong vows. Hear how each man experienced his Call to follow in the footsteps of Christ and Saint Augustine.
"I discovered St. Augustine. Then I found the Augustinians": Br. Michael Riggs
No two vocations are the same. Watch our video about how Br. Michael Riggs went from reading Confessions to professing his vows to the order
Photos: Br. Dan Ordained a Deacon
The Augustinians got to ordain a Villanova graduate this past week. Look at the photos of Br. Dan Madden's Ordination Ceremony.
Two Friars Make Lifelong Vows to the Augustinians
Are you interested in joining the Augustinians? Come learn about two newly ordained friars and their perpetual profession of vows here.
Augustinians Ordain Two Priests in California!
On December 14, Sarfraz Alam, O.S.A. and Adnan Ghani, O.S.A. were ordained at 10:30am at St. Patrick’s Church in San Diego, CA.
Q & A with Midwest Vocations Director Fr. Tom McCarthy
Fr. Tom McCarthy is the vocation director for the Augustinians. In this interview, we ask him about his job and his spirituality.
"I was never hit over the head by God": The Vocation Story of Fr. Max
We made this video profiling our newly ordained Fr. Maxime Villeneuve, O.S.A. If you're feeling a vocation, click to learn here!
Homilies from the General Chapter in Rome
The foundation of the fellowship enjoyed at the General Chapter in Rome is our sharing of daily mass together. Read some homilies here.
Our 2019 Augustinian Formation Gathering
The Federation of Augustinians of North America (FANA) held their annual “Formation Gathering” at Villanova University.
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