A Life-Changing Journey: A World Traveler Finds the Augustinians
An Ordination in California, a Profession in Pennsylvania
National Vocations Awareness Week
My Pastoral Year of Service, Br. Bryan Kerns
Video: Ordination of Fr. Aldo Potencio, OSA
Villanova Basketball Chaplain, Fr. Hagan, Profiled in Vision Magazine
"Let Love Rule": Bonding in the Novitiate Year
My first year as a Priest
Introducing FATHER Aldo Potencio, OSA
Video: Path to Professions
Video: Friars Gather and Prepare for Professions in California
VIDEO: The Call and Ordination of Fr. Stephen
The Ordination of Fr. Stephen Isley, OSA
How Br. Joe Roccasalva found the Augustinians
We Celebrate the Ordination of Father John Futoshi Matsuo, O.S.A.
Video: A Day in the Life of an Augustinian
The Daily Life of a Pre-Novice at Villanova
The Journey of One Brother to the Augustinians
The First Few Months After Ordination
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