Conversion of St. Augustine
Watch: The Solemn Profession (and Open Mic Night) of Br. Michael Riggs
Understanding the Meaning of the Postures of Ordination: Kneeling, Prostration, Laying on of Hands
The Saint Who Converted Saint Augustine
What Is the Difference Between Priests and Brothers?
Divine Restlessness & Mobile Technology
Watch: The Simple Profession of Br. Nicholas Stone
Why do Augustinians take temporary vows?
7 Novices Receive Augustinian Habits
Fr. Jack leads students into wilderness of Wyoming
Woodworking is Prayer for Br. David
Do friars really vow OBEDIENCE to someone?
The Augustinian Commitment to Addressing the Environmental Crisis
Photos: The Ordination of Fr. Emmanuel and Fr. Dominic
Join Two Augustinians for their Ordination, Saturday, June 18
Learn more about Br. Manny as he awaits his Ordination to the Priesthood
Purity of Heart according to Augustine
So you've finished reading St. Augustine's Confessions...
A Year at the Shrine of St. Rita
Video: The Path to Ordination of Fr. Jeff and Fr. Joe