Los Agustinos tenemos el privilegio de presentar nuestro primer testimonio vocacional en español. En este vídeo se puede escuchar la voz del Hermano fray Elizandro, originario de República Dominicana, donde describe su llamado a la vida religiosa Agustiniana.
The Augustinians are proud to present our first vocation testimonial in Spanish. In this video you'll hear Br. Elizandro, a native of the Dominican Republic, describe his call to the Augustinians.
“Cuando fui allí ver que [los agustinos] eran bien joviales y amigables, me dio otra perspectiva de lo que es ser un religioso, ser un cura." (When I visited I saw how jovial and friendly the augustinians were and this gave me a different perspective on what it meant to be a religious brother, and to be a priest.)
“San Agustin ... es un modelo a seguir ... que todo joven hoy en día puede identificarse con el..." (St. Augustine is a model to follow ... whom all the young people today can identify with)
Learn more about what it means to be an Augustinian by checking out our other blog posts here